
Obj file converter
The file converter is a nice simple example that doesn't require any rendering. It loads an Animadead mesh into memory, and shows how to access the mesh to write a converter to another format. This is a great way to learn the structure of a mesh.
Static meshes
Animadead was designed for animation, but can also be used to load a mesh that is not animated. This example shows how to load a static mesh, and draw it using vertex arrays.
Single animation
This example loads a single mesh and animation, and shows how to draw and deform the mesh.
Blending animations
This example loads a mesh and two animations, and shows how to create a blend between the two meshes. This also shows how to extend the update function to add more control.
Blending localized animations
One of the coolest things about skeletal animation is the freedom to manipulate the skeleton using it's heirarchy. This example shows how easy it is to make a selection mask of a portion of the skeleton, and blend an animation on just that part of the skeleton.
Creating a blend hierarchy
Animadead is extremely flexible and can create a complex system of blends very easily. In this example a hierarchy of blends is created that creates a huge range of motion for a character.
Creating a new type of blend
This exampled improves on the previous one showing how easy it is to extend the blending functionality of Animadead, and still use the basic blending functionality in junction with the extended functionality.
Managing multiple meshes
This example shows how you can load several meshes, even during an update loop, and choose which ones you want to be visible using some management functionality provided by Animadead.
Managing multiple meshes part 2
This example shows additional management features that make it even easier to keep track of visible meshes, and works seemlessly with the methods provided in the previous example.
Using a CG vertex shader
The data in Animadead is organized specially for use with vertex shaders, and this example shows how you can use CG to take advantage of that to speed up the rendering process.
Using a GLSL vertex shader
Here is an alternative shader example using GLSL, which utilizes the special organization of Animadead.